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Why Tiktok should not be banned

I start my writing by putting a question forward. Why tiktck is used for and is gaining intense popularity with the youth. Basically, in the globalisation era, communication and entertainment are now at our fingertips, and tiktok is a medium to do so. It's obviously beneficial to us, but what are the more concerning issues with tiktok? Our youth generation are gaining to addicted to this app for getting popularity so fast .  We all recall Apu Vai, a member of an adolescent gang known to nearly millions of followers through this medium for his strange hairstyle and distorted use of Bengali words. The recent ban on TikTok has raised a debate in the US. Tiktok, owned by the Bytedance company in China, is accused of leaking all the information to ChiNA. But according to the CEO of Tiktok, Bytedance is not an agent of China, and there is no evidence against this strong claim. The CEO of Tiktok was grilled and testified before the US House Energy and Commerce Committee. There, inarticulate, incoherent, logical, and conspiratorial information and theories arose. Mr. Chew encountered questions about the verbally threatening US House Energy and Commerce Committee, access to the WiFi network when a phone having tiktok accounts turns on at home, China's regulations for stealing US information to China, its statements for the persecution of Uygurs, and using pupils' dilation to find the recommended page for you through algorithms, spurring to suicide. Mr. Chew was friendly at the time of his testimony but did not have the chance to respond to all the questions dashing towards him. In Bangladesh, tiktok is not seen as beneficial to the youth generation. The algorithms used to determine what you watch are controversial. However, the question is that, even though it has loopholes, we are not accountable for its misuses. As if a tiktok user were obese, less attentive to study, indifferent to his time, frustrated, or even committed suicide because of Tiktok's bad impact on them, all blame goes to Tiktok for its bad impact on them. why they are not self-conscious about their health, are not monitored properly by their family members, have learned about moral issues, and are unable to evaluate immorality and impurity. 
